I Like Local


Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Tools & Technology
  • Google Analytics
  • Tag Manager
  • Hotjar
  • Google Optimize

Ann Njuguna


I Like Local


Revenue Increase
1 %
Reduced Checkout Abandonment
1 %
Conversion Rate Increase
1 %
Transactions Increase
1 %


Business Description

I Like Local is a platform that connects impact-conscious travelers with local providers of community-based experiences. The platform enables travelers to discover and book experiences easily while local hosts benefit from support in curating experiences, sales & marketing infrastructure.

  • Enhanced eCommerce setup and Advanced analytics integration (Integration with 3rd party tools)
  • A/B testing
  • Data analysis (offline and online data)
  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • Heat maps and video recording analysis
Brief intro story
Our role was to help ILL optimize their checkout process to get more bookings so as to bring them even closer to their mission.
Importance of the checkout page
Just like the details pages, the checkout page is one of the most important pages on the website because it will determine if a visitor decides to make a booking or not. It is on this page that the visitor makes their payment.
Low conversion compared to the number of visitors to the website.


Research step
We did a website audit, data analysis, video recording, and heat map analysis in the following sections of the website.
  • Product details page
  • Checkout page
What are the benefits of the above audit and analysis processes?

Website audit revealed the obvious UX challenges that the website had.

Video recording analysis and heat maps revealed user behavior on the website, where people were dropping off or struggling with the booking process, which important elements are not obvious to clients or are far from reach, how efficient the checkout experience is, and how easy it is for clients to complete a booking.

Data analysis revealed details we used for target marketing to reach more people who fit the business persona and optimize our marketing channels. We learned that mobile visitors were affected more than the website visitors, different visitor segments, and their booking preferences and preferred payment methods.

A/B testing – Checkout Process
Hypothesis 1
If we change the currency to the one that favors the majority of the clients and make the booking details adjustable on the checkout page, the checkout process will be more flexible and clients can adjust the details at will without going back the product details page, this will result in a reduced number of checkout drop-offs and will also get us more bookings and revenue.
Hypothesis 2
If we made the checkout process more flexible such that the visitors can alter the content in their cart without having to go back to the bookings page, then, the flexibility would lead to a better checkout experience and more bookings.

adjustments made

Old version
  • The booking details were not adjustable. Visitors could not alter the date of the number of people who intend to take part in the experience
  • The “book now” button was not easily reachable for mobile visitors
  • The bookings were listed in Euros while most of the transactions were made in dollars.
  • Visitors who preferred PayPal method did not understand the process since they had to click on the complete order button to proceed with the payment.
New version
  • Sticky book now button for easy access
  • Adjustable booking details
  • Default currency set to USD
  • A message directive for PayPal users to give them more information on how to make payments.

Gallery Of Changes Made

Before / After Images & Results -- [Click To Expand]


Revenue increased by 69.10%

Checkout Abandonments reduced by 8.82%

eCommerce conversion rate increased by 46.82%

The number of transactions increased by 52.46%